Hello world!

So, why is my blog called “Semi-True Stories?”  I am a novelist and I write sequels to Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” but I am interested in all types of historical fiction and I hope to interest others in my writing and in the historical fiction and Jane Austen genres.   My blog title comes from my children: when my father tells them stories about his youth they tend to regard some of the details with a jaundiced and disbelieving eye.  One time, after listening to a particularly improbable story one of them asked, “Papa, is that story really true?”  His dignified answer was, “It is a semi-true story.”  I thought that description was a very apt expression of what I write: semi-true stories.

One comment on “Hello world!

  1. Geralyn says:

    That’s a creative answer to a difcfiult question

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